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Community of Replenishment & Empowerment

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Formerly known as Nag's Heart


CoRE (Community of Replenishment & Empowerment) supports and empowers feminists working in academia and industry. Our multi-day retreats are organized around themes of relevance to sustaining the feminist spirit, by which we mean the communal effort to enhance gender inclusion and equity. In a relaxed and safe environment, retreat participants share and discuss dilemmas, experience invigoration and empowerment to tackle their dilemmas, and build community.

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Multi-Day Retreats

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Empowering Discussions

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Fostering Community

Image by Augustine Wong

Retreat Format

The general effectiveness of CoRE retreats derives from their unusual format and process. Retreats are typically 2-3 days (as described below) but can be 1 day. Participants live, work, play, and eat together in residential settings, and are pampered even as they share accommodations.

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Day 1

Starts in the afternoon or evening with a shared meal, introductions, and a community-building activity.

Day 2

During two work sessions, participants have 30 minutes each to present and discuss a dilemma of personal import relevant to the theme of the retreat. Additional time at the end of each work session is devoted to continuing discussions.

Unscheduled free time for relaxation, adventures, and shared meals promotes ongoing discussions and building community.

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Day 3

Is similar to Day 2 and also includes a closing ceremony for participants to achieve closure, both substantively and emotionally. 

2024 Retreats

May 17 - May 20

Women in Tech

Organizers: Ella Ben Hagai & Merav Pepere
Location: Vermont

Aug 6 - Aug 8

Supporting Women Faculty in Business Schools & Org. Psychology Over the Life Course

Organizers: Denise Lewin Loyd, Donna Chrobot-Mason, Ellen Ernst Kossek & Wendy Casper

Location: Illinois

May 31 - June 2

Living in Post-CV World

Organizers: Maureen O'Connor & Meg Bond
Location: California

Aug 23 - Aug 25

Dilemmas of Feminist Teachers and Scholars in Polarizing Times

Organizers: Eileen Zurbiggen & Ella Ben Hagai

Location: California

May 31 - June 2

Dilemmas of Women Leaders in STEM

Organizers: Susan Strome & Karen Ottemann

Location: California

Sept 6 - Sept 8

Finding Purpose & Joy in Our Next Chapters

Organizers: Ólöf Einarsdóttir & Susan Strome

Location: California

Retreat Questions

  • How is the retreat cost covered?
    Retreat participants are expected to cover the cost of getting to the retreat site or the nearest airport, after which CoRE covers the remaining costs (ground transportation, housing, and meals). We welcome voluntary pay-it-forward donations from retreat participants, to help fund future retreats.
  • How do I propose a retreat?
    We welcome ideas for retreat themes and possible leaders, participants, and retreat sites. See the CoRE Retreat Handbook for details about organizing a retreat and the funding model. To propose a retreat, please fill out this google form and submit it for consideration by November 1 for Spring and Summer retreats. We will decide which retreats to sponsor in December/January. For questions, please email Ella Ben Hagai (
  • How do I indicate interest in participating in a future retreat?
    We plan retreats around themes of relevance to improving gender inclusion and equity and supporting and empowering feminists working in academia and industry. Please email Susan Strome ( if you see past retreats whose themes interest you or wonder about the next year’s offerings of retreats.


Retreats Hosted




People Per Retreat


Images from past retreats


CoRE is led by a Leadership Collaborative, which identifies themes for CoRE retreats, retreat organizers, and possible participants, and is supported by an administrative assistant.



Associate Professor of Social Psychology

California State University, Fullerton

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Professor of Psychology

Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis

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Professor of Microbiology

University of California, Santa Cruz

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Distinguished Professor Emeritus of MCD Biology

University of California, Santa Cruz

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Vice Chancellor & Chief Diversity Officer

University of California, Merced



Administrative Assistant


Contact Us

To express interest in attending, organizing or housing a retreat or to share ideas for retreat themes:

Please contact Susan Strome (

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